
Precision Medicine / Supplements

Precision Medicine / Supplements

Personalized medicine and supplements is a sort of treatment that focuses on each patient’s unique genetic & physiological characteristics. Personalized medicine offers a big potential with significant changes and adaptations, which focus on illness understanding and management using advanced genetic analysis.

pharmacogenetic examination allows studying the drug metabolization profiles individually for each patient, since the absorption rate of a given drug in each individual is strongly related to the alleles that he has for each one. of these enzymes.

Patients who perform rapid drug metabolism tend to eliminate drugs in a shorter time than the population average, requiring doses slightly higher than the standard dose to achieve the therapeutic effect. In case the patient has a slower metabolism, the reasoning is the same: the individual’s tendency is to bioaccumulate the drugs, that is, the standard dose can cause toxic effects, requiring a lower dose than the average for the population.

This approach, which explores metabolization profiles, allows treatments to be adapted and optimized on a case-by-case basis, so that therapeutic effects are enhanced and adverse effects minimized: this is what is conventionally called Personalized Medicine.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Transceptar is a leading AI company in health and precision medicine. Its AI-powered genetic testing company generates the most accurate and precise DNA test reports since 2011.


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